Massage After Auto Accident

Nov 12, 2018

Massage After Auto Accident

Vehicle injuries result in more pain than typically realized, even in a low impact accident. Stress hormones act as a pain management mechanism. The hormones provide temporary relief to an affected area. It can often to a full day or three to feel the impact that the stress has had on the body. This is why it is so imperative that you see your chiropractor to check your overall condition prior to moving forward with the assumption that “it’s not that bad”.

Whiplash symptoms often worsen after 24 to 48 hours. At times the symptoms can increase over a 3 week period, making you think it really isn’t as serious as it is. Urgent assessment is necessary to provide you with proper at home management, in office care and possibly prevent a seemingly minor injury from becoming a chronic condition. Massage therapy is a common, non-invasive treatment for an auto accident. 

What can Massage Do?

Massage after auto accident can provide a wealth of value to a recently injured patient

-Stimulate blood circulation and decrease inflammation 
-Reduce spasms to the muscle and tissues
-Improve range of motion and overall mobility 
-Lower blood pressure
-Improve serotonin levels with helps the mind and body to relax

Overall…help you heal faster!

If you or a friend have recently been involved in an auto accident, don’t hesitate to contact our office at 503-206-4620 and let our professional and extremely skilled staff help you! Massage after auto accident can make all the difference when provided in conjunction with regular chiropractic and rehabilitation treatments. 

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